Recorded on: March 4, 2025
Length: 60 minutes
Learn problem-solving strategies for strata owners and councils in British Columbia. Lawyer Lisa Mackie and strata expert Tony Gioventu explain the rights and responsibilities of strata owners and councils, and share best practices for improving communication and dealing with problems.
In this webinar, you will learn:
Introduction to strata living
Three top challenges when it comes to strata living. [3:50]
The role of the Strata Property Act in governing strata living and how strata owners and councils can use it as a problem-solving tool. [9:30]
Tips for strata owners
Best practices for strata unit owners to follow when raising issues with their strata councils — and what doesn’t work. [11:50]
Channels (other than a formal complaint) available to owners when a strata council fails to comply with the Strata Property Act, and what to do if the strata council doesn’t respond. [15:30]
When an owner should make a formal complaint and the process involved. [18:50]
The role that owners play in helping councils do their job, and their legal rights to direct and make decisions. [22:15]
Tips for strata councils
How strata councils can spot issues before they escalate, along with red flags to watch for. [25:50]
How strata councils can find a balance between saving money and investing in proactive maintenance. [29:50]
How strata councils can communicate effectively with owners. [32:50]
How strata councils can deal with demanding or overly communicative owners. [36:15]
Practical tips to prevent a problem from escalating
How strata councils can avoid situations where minor repairs escalate to large scale damage. [39:35]
Resources for strata owners and strata council members. [43:50]
Live questions
A minimal percentage increase of strata fees that balances maintenance and cost. [46:15]
How to deal with an owner who holds a lot of proxies that control the decision of any resolutions. [50:25]
How to prevent the same people on council. [53:25]
How a strata can evict a tenant for (as an example) continuously violating the strata’s smoking bylaw. [55:55]

Lisa Mackie
Lisa Mackie is a lawyer at Alexander Holburn and a member of the firm’s insurance and real estate practices. She is the leader of the strata property practice group and the residential tenancy law practice group. Her primary areas of practice are strata property law and residential tenancy law.

Tony Gioventu
Tony is the executive director of the Condominium Home Owners Association of BC (CHOA). In addition to serving on numerous boards and committees for government agencies and industry associations, Tony is the weekly columnist for The Province, The Times Colonist, and syndicated media across BC.
Attendee feedback
“Great info for anyone going on to a council or becoming a strata owner.”
“Webinar facilitator and presenters were A+. Thank you.”
“Great speakers as usual!"
“Best webinar ever! Thank you! I can breathe a sigh of relief being a new council member. Very helpful!"
“Lisa & Tony make a great team — let's hear more from them!!"
“Thank you so much. As always, excellent presentation and information shared. I am a loyal reader of Tony's articles in the Times Colonist.”
“Thanks for this wonderful workshop. Thank you to Lisa and Tony for the helpful info.”
“The session was extremely informative. Well done Paula, Lisa and Tony! Always appreciative of the opportunity to learn.”
“I have only praise for the easily understood approach you take to otherwise complicated matters.”
Additional resources
From People’s Law School:
Dealing with your strata offers step-by-step guidance on bringing a strata complaint
Strata Q&As answer common questions from strata owners
More on stratas, from buying a condo to living in a strata to navigating strata issues
From the Condominium Home Owners Association of British Columbia (CHOA):
The Essentials for Strata Administration outlines the basics of how to run a strata
Condo Smarts is a collection of articles on strata issues published in BC newspapers
More from CHOA, including information bulletins and recorded webinars
Strata Property Act, section 34.1 deals with requesting a strata council hearing
Residential Tenancy Branch Policy Guideline 27 deals with the jurisdiction of the Residential Tenancy Branch in situations where a strata corporation moves to evict a tenant of a strata owner (see section K)
Maintenance Matters, from BC Housing, offers tips on maintaining the building envelop of multi-unit buildings