How can I get my employer to pay me the minimum wage?
Even though I’m entitled to minimum wage, my employer refuses to pay it. What can I do to get them to follow the law?

Burnaby, BC
If your employer isn’t paying you the wages you’re entitled to, you have options.
A good first step is to raise the issue with them directly. Let them know you understand your rights, and refer them to the law on point. The minimum wage changes periodically, so it’s possible your employer simply isn’t up to speed on the current rate. While approaching your employer in person can be daunting, you’re fully within your rights to do so. Here are some tips for talking to your employer.
If speaking to your employer doesn’t resolve the issue, consider writing a letter. Explain your concerns in detail. For example, you might say something like:
Under the BC Employment Standards Act, I’m entitled to be paid the minimum wage, which is currently $17.40 per hour. For the last three pay periods, I’ve only been paid $15 per hour. [Modify to suit your situation.] I’d like to discuss this issue with you as soon as possible.
We offer tips for writing a letter to your employer.
If your employer still refuses to pay you the minimum wage, you can make an employment standards complaint. Workers covered by BC’s main employment law can make a complaint to the Employment Standards Branch. Check out this guidance on making an employment standards complaint to see what’s involved.

Trevor Thomas
Ascent Employment Law