October 1, 2019
We held our 2019 annual general meeting on September 27 in Vancouver. Members and guests gathered to discuss the society’s achievements over the 2018-19 fiscal year, including our taking on the Dial-A-Law service from the Canadian Bar Association, BC Branch and our expansion of law-related content across digital and print platforms.
“Dial-A-Law has proven to be a good strategic fit with People’s Law School and our mission to provide the public with everyday legal information,” commented executive director Patricia Byrne. Hassan El Masri, chair of the board of directors, highlighted the society’s active participation in the access to justice movement in British Columbia, through its participation in A2JBC’s leadership committee and unbundling working group, for which we created and promoted the website unbundlinglaw.ca.
Additional information on our accomplishments during 2018-19 can be found in our annual report.
Mr. El Masri noted the contributions made by two long-standing directors of People’s Law School who were retiring from the board: “We thank Madam Justice Kate Ker and Mr. Aman Sanghera for contributing their time and talent to us over the years. Their insights and unique expertise have helped guide our mission.”
The AGM was followed by a reception at which Mr. El Masri underscored his appreciation of the efforts of the board, staff and funders for their contribution to the society’s success over the past year.