October 30, 2017
At People's Law School, we are committed to making the law understandable to everyone. We're excited to launch a new feature on our website that we think helps with this goal: popup definitions for common legal terms.
For over 150 legal terms, you can now click on the term and a popup window will show a plain language definition of the term. The definitions avoid legalese and help you make sense of your legal rights and options.
For example, here are the popup definitions for the terms warranty and legal warranty:
warranty. A promise a seller makes about the quality of the goods or services sold and what the seller will do if there are problems. Learn more about warranties.
legal warranty. A level of quality, performance and durability that the law implies into every contract. Learn how the legal warranty works.
As we add more content to the website over the months ahead, we'll be adding more popup definitions. If you think a term should be defined, let us know. We'd be happy to add it.