October 23, 2020
We’ve released a new booklet, When Someone Dies Without a Will. Losing a loved one is hard, and particulary if they didn't have a will. This publication guides those left behind through practical things that need to be taken care of, like arranging the funeral and notifying others of the death. It also explains who should get the deceased’s things, and the legal steps that must be taken to deal with the deceased's assets.
“Mom died without a will. She and Dad divorced a while ago and she never found another partner. She had three kids, including me. When I applied for administration, I was confused about whether to give notice to my mom’s sister. My lawyer explained that only me and my siblings were entitled to the estate under the law. So I didn’t have to send notice to my aunt."
– Dion, Pender Island, BC

When Someone Dies Without a Will offers practical, easy-to-understand guidance during a difficult time. We’ve included tips, user stories, visuals, and step-by-step explanations. The information is current to July 2020.
This new title accompanies the more in-depth content available on our website, which includes enhanced step-by-step guidance and links to key forms.
The booklet is available as a PDF. If you wish to order multiple copies of the print booklet, you can do so from Crown Publications.
Many thanks to our legal reviewer Lynda Cassels for reviewing this content for legal accuracy.